Largest Series Product
1. Readme
给定一个数字串,计算长度为 n 的连续子串的最大乘积.
, 3 位数系列的最大乘积是 270 (9 * 5 * 6
), 5 位数系列的最大乘积为 7560 (7 * 8 * 3 * 9 * 5
一系列 6 位数的最大乘积是 23520.
Rust 的最大系列乘积
欧拉工程的问题 8 的一个变种
2. 开始你的表演
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum Error { SpanTooLong, InvalidDigit(char), } pub fn lsp(string_digits: &str, span: usize) -> Result<u64, Error> { unimplemented!( "largest series product of a span of {} digits in {}", span, string_digits ); }
3. 测试代码查看
# #![allow(unused_variables)] #fn main() { #[test] fn return_is_a_result() { assert!(lsp("29", 2).is_ok()); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn find_the_largest_product_when_span_equals_length() { assert_eq!(Ok(18), lsp("29", 2)); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn find_the_largest_product_of_two_with_numbers_in_order() { assert_eq!(Ok(72), lsp("0123456789", 2)); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn find_the_largest_product_of_two_with_numbers_not_in_order() { assert_eq!(Ok(48), lsp("576802143", 2)); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn find_the_largest_product_of_three_with_numbers_in_order() { assert_eq!(Ok(504), lsp("0123456789", 3)); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn find_the_largest_product_of_three_with_numbers_not_in_order() { assert_eq!(Ok(270), lsp("1027839564", 3)); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn find_the_largest_product_of_five_with_numbers_in_order() { assert_eq!(Ok(15120), lsp("0123456789", 5)); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn span_of_six_in_a_large_number() { assert_eq!( Ok(23520), lsp("73167176531330624919225119674426574742355349194934", 6) ); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn returns_zero_if_number_is_zeros() { assert_eq!(Ok(0), lsp("0000", 2)); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn returns_zero_if_all_products_are_zero() { assert_eq!(Ok(0), lsp("99099", 3)); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn a_span_is_longer_than_number_is_an_error() { assert_eq!(Err(Error::SpanTooLong), lsp("123", 4)); } // There may be some confusion about whether this should be 1 or error. // The reasoning for it being 1 is this: // There is one 0-character string contained in the empty string. // That's the empty string itself. // The empty product is 1 (the identity for multiplication). // Therefore LSP('', 0) is 1. // It's NOT the case that LSP('', 0) takes max of an empty list. // So there is no error. // Compare against LSP('123', 4): // There are zero 4-character strings in '123'. // So LSP('123', 4) really DOES take the max of an empty list. // So LSP('123', 4) errors and LSP('', 0) does NOT. #[test] //#[ignore] fn an_empty_string_and_no_span_returns_one() { assert_eq!(Ok(1), lsp("", 0)); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn a_non_empty_string_and_no_span_returns_one() { assert_eq!(Ok(1), lsp("123", 0)); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn empty_string_and_non_zero_span_is_an_error() { assert_eq!(Err(Error::SpanTooLong), lsp("", 1)); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn a_string_with_non_digits_is_an_error() { assert_eq!(Err(Error::InvalidDigit('a')), lsp("1234a5", 2)); } #}
4. 答案
# #![allow(unused_variables)] #fn main() { #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum Error { SpanTooLong, InvalidDigit(char), } pub fn lsp(string_digits: &str, span: usize) -> Result<u64, Error> { if span == 0 { return Ok(1); } if let Some(invalid) = string_digits.chars().find(|c| !c.is_digit(10)) { return Err(Error::InvalidDigit(invalid)); } let products: Vec<u64> = string_digits .chars() .map(|c| c.to_digit(10).unwrap() as u64) .collect::<Vec<u64>>() .windows(span) .map(|w| w.into_iter().product()) .collect(); if let Some(&x) = products.iter().max() { Ok(x) } else { Err(Error::SpanTooLong) } } #}