1. Readme
他回答:”Whoa, chill out!”,如果你对他大喊大叫.
他回答”Calm down, I know what I’m doing!”,如果你大声问他问题.
他说”Fine. Be that way!”,如果你喊他,而不说任何话.
鲍勃的对话伙伴,在书面交流方面是一个纯粹主义者,并且总是遵循关于 英语句子标点 的通用规则.
Inspired by the ‘Deaf Grandma’ exercise in Chris Pine’s Learn to Program tutorial. http://pine.fm/LearnToProgram/?Chapter=06
2. 开始你的表演
pub fn reply(message: &str) -> &str { unimplemented!("have Bob reply to the incoming message: {}", message) }
3. 测试代码查看
# #![allow(unused_variables)] #fn main() { #[test] fn test_stating_something() { assert_eq!("Whatever.", reply("Tom-ay-to, tom-aaaah-to.")); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_shouting() { assert_eq!("Whoa, chill out!", reply("WATCH OUT!")); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_shouting_gibberish() { assert_eq!("Whoa, chill out!", reply("FCECDFCAAB")); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_asking() { assert_eq!( "Sure.", reply("Does this cryogenic chamber make me look fat?") ); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_ask_numeric_question() { assert_eq!("Sure.", reply("You are, what, like 15?")); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_asking_gibberish() { assert_eq!("Sure.", reply("fffbbcbeab?")); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_exclaiming() { assert_eq!("Whatever.", reply("Let's go make out behind the gym!")); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_using_acronyms_in_regular_speech() { assert_eq!( "Whatever.", reply("It's OK if you don't want to go to the DMV.") ); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_forceful_question() { assert_eq!( "Calm down, I know what I'm doing!", reply("WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?") ); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_shouting_numbers() { assert_eq!("Whoa, chill out!", reply("1, 2, 3 GO!")); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_only_numbers() { assert_eq!("Whatever.", reply("1, 2, 3")); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_question_with_only_numbers() { assert_eq!("Sure.", reply("4?")); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_shouting_with_special_characters() { assert_eq!( "Whoa, chill out!", reply("ZOMG THE %^*@#$(*^ ZOMBIES ARE COMING!!11!!1!") ); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_shouting_with_no_exclamation_mark() { assert_eq!("Whoa, chill out!", reply("I HATE YOU")); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_statement_containing_question_mark() { assert_eq!("Whatever.", reply("Ending with ? means a question.")); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_non_letters_with_question() { assert_eq!("Sure.", reply(":) ?")); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_prattling_on() { assert_eq!("Sure.", reply("Wait! Hang on. Are you going to be OK?")); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_silence() { assert_eq!("Fine. Be that way!", reply("")); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_prolonged_silence() { assert_eq!("Fine. Be that way!", reply(" ")); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_alternate_silence() { assert_eq!("Fine. Be that way!", reply("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t")); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_multiple_line_question() { assert_eq!( "Whatever.", reply("\nDoes this cryogenic chamber make me look fat?\nno") ); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_starting_with_whitespace() { assert_eq!("Whatever.", reply(" hmmmmmmm...")); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_ending_with_whitespace() { assert_eq!("Sure.", reply("Okay if like my spacebar quite a bit? ")); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_other_whitespace() { assert_eq!("Fine. Be that way!", reply("\n\r \t")); } #[test] //#[ignore] fn test_non_question_ending_with_whitespace() { assert_eq!( "Whatever.", reply("This is a statement ending with whitespace ") ); } #}
4. 答案
# #![allow(unused_variables)] #fn main() { pub fn reply(message: &str) -> &str { if is_silence(message) { "Fine. Be that way!" } else if is_yelling(message) && is_question(message) { "Calm down, I know what I'm doing!" } else if is_yelling(message) { "Whoa, chill out!" } else if is_question(message) { "Sure." } else { "Whatever." } } fn is_silence(message: &str) -> bool { message.trim().is_empty() } fn is_yelling(message: &str) -> bool { let s = message.trim_matches(|c: char| !c.is_alphabetic()); !s.is_empty() && s.to_uppercase() == s } fn is_question(message: &str) -> bool { message.trim_right().ends_with("?") } #}