
1. Readme


实现基本的 React 系统。

React 式编程是一种编程范例,它着重于如何根据彼此来计算值,以允许对一个值的更改,自动传播到其他值,如在电子表格中。

实现一个基本的 React 系统,其中,有带可设置值的单元(”输入”单元),还有能根据其他单元计算值的单元(”计算”单元)。实现更新,以便当输入值改变时,(关联的)值会传播,直到一个新的稳定的系统状态。


2. 开始你的表演

/// `InputCellID` is a unique identifier for an input cell.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct InputCellID();
/// `ComputeCellID` is a unique identifier for a compute cell.
/// Values of type `InputCellID` and `ComputeCellID` should not be mutually assignable,
/// demonstrated by the following tests:
/// ```compile_fail
/// let mut r = react::Reactor::new();
/// let input: react::ComputeCellID = r.create_input(111);
/// ```
/// ```compile_fail
/// let mut r = react::Reactor::new();
/// let input = r.create_input(111);
/// let compute: react::InputCellID = r.create_compute(&[react::CellID::Input(input)], |_| 222).unwrap();
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ComputeCellID();
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct CallbackID();

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum CellID {

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum RemoveCallbackError {

pub struct Reactor<T> {
   // Just so that the compiler doesn't complain about an unused type parameter.
   // You probably want to delete this field.
   dummy: ::std::marker::PhantomData<T>,

// You are guaranteed that Reactor will only be tested against types that are Copy + PartialEq.
impl<T: Copy + PartialEq> Reactor<T> {
   pub fn new() -> Self {

   // Creates an input cell with the specified initial value, returning its ID.
   pub fn create_input(&mut self, _initial: T) -> InputCellID {

   // Creates a compute cell with the specified dependencies and compute function.
   // The compute function is expected to take in its arguments in the same order as specified in
   // `dependencies`.
   // You do not need to reject compute functions that expect more arguments than there are
   // dependencies (how would you check for this, anyway?).
   // If any dependency doesn't exist, returns an Err with that nonexistent dependency.
   // (If multiple dependencies do not exist, exactly which one is returned is not defined and
   // will not be tested)
   // Notice that there is no way to *remove* a cell.
   // This means that you may assume, without checking, that if the dependencies exist at creation
   // time they will continue to exist as long as the Reactor exists.
   pub fn create_compute<F: Fn(&[T]) -> T>(
       &mut self,
       _dependencies: &[CellID],
       _compute_func: F,
   ) -> Result<ComputeCellID, CellID> {

   // Retrieves the current value of the cell, or None if the cell does not exist.
   // You may wonder whether it is possible to implement `get(&self, id: CellID) -> Option<&Cell>`
   // and have a `value(&self)` method on `Cell`.
   // It turns out this introduces a significant amount of extra complexity to this exercise.
   // We chose not to cover this here, since this exercise is probably enough work as-is.
   pub fn value(&self, id: CellID) -> Option<T> {
       unimplemented!("Get the value of the cell whose id is {:?}", id)

   // Sets the value of the specified input cell.
   // Returns false if the cell does not exist.
   // Similarly, you may wonder about `get_mut(&mut self, id: CellID) -> Option<&mut Cell>`, with
   // a `set_value(&mut self, new_value: T)` method on `Cell`.
   // As before, that turned out to add too much extra complexity.
   pub fn set_value(&mut self, _id: InputCellID, _new_value: T) -> bool {

   // Adds a callback to the specified compute cell.
   // Returns the ID of the just-added callback, or None if the cell doesn't exist.
   // Callbacks on input cells will not be tested.
   // The semantics of callbacks (as will be tested):
   // For a single set_value call, each compute cell's callbacks should each be called:
   // * Zero times if the compute cell's value did not change as a result of the set_value call.
   // * Exactly once if the compute cell's value changed as a result of the set_value call.
   //   The value passed to the callback should be the final value of the compute cell after the
   //   set_value call.
   pub fn add_callback<F: FnMut(T) -> ()>(
       &mut self,
       _id: ComputeCellID,
       _callback: F,
   ) -> Option<CallbackID> {

   // Removes the specified callback, using an ID returned from add_callback.
   // Returns an Err if either the cell or callback does not exist.
   // A removed callback should no longer be called.
   pub fn remove_callback(
       &mut self,
       cell: ComputeCellID,
       callback: CallbackID,
   ) -> Result<(), RemoveCallbackError> {
           "Remove the callback identified by the CallbackID {:?} from the cell {:?}",

3. 测试代码查看

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn input_cells_have_a_value() {
   let mut reactor = Reactor::new();
   let input = reactor.create_input(10);
   assert_eq!(reactor.value(CellID::Input(input)), Some(10));

fn an_input_cells_value_can_be_set() {
   let mut reactor = Reactor::new();
   let input = reactor.create_input(4);
   assert!(reactor.set_value(input, 20));
   assert_eq!(reactor.value(CellID::Input(input)), Some(20));

fn error_setting_a_nonexistent_input_cell() {
   let mut dummy_reactor = Reactor::new();
   let input = dummy_reactor.create_input(1);
   assert!(!Reactor::new().set_value(input, 0));

fn compute_cells_calculate_initial_value() {
   let mut reactor = Reactor::new();
   let input = reactor.create_input(1);
   let output = reactor
       .create_compute(&[CellID::Input(input)], |v| v[0] + 1)
   assert_eq!(reactor.value(CellID::Compute(output)), Some(2));

fn compute_cells_take_inputs_in_the_right_order() {
   let mut reactor = Reactor::new();
   let one = reactor.create_input(1);
   let two = reactor.create_input(2);
   let output = reactor
       .create_compute(&[CellID::Input(one), CellID::Input(two)], |v| {
           v[0] + v[1] * 10
   assert_eq!(reactor.value(CellID::Compute(output)), Some(21));

fn error_creating_compute_cell_if_input_doesnt_exist() {
   let mut dummy_reactor = Reactor::new();
   let input = dummy_reactor.create_input(1);
       Reactor::new().create_compute(&[CellID::Input(input)], |_| 0),

fn do_not_break_cell_if_creating_compute_cell_with_valid_and_invalid_input() {
   let mut dummy_reactor = Reactor::new();
   let _ = dummy_reactor.create_input(1);
   let dummy_cell = dummy_reactor.create_input(2);
   let mut reactor = Reactor::new();
   let input = reactor.create_input(1);
       reactor.create_compute(&[CellID::Input(input), CellID::Input(dummy_cell)], |_| 0),
   assert!(reactor.set_value(input, 5));
   assert_eq!(reactor.value(CellID::Input(input)), Some(5));

fn compute_cells_update_value_when_dependencies_are_changed() {
   let mut reactor = Reactor::new();
   let input = reactor.create_input(1);
   let output = reactor
       .create_compute(&[CellID::Input(input)], |v| v[0] + 1)
   assert_eq!(reactor.value(CellID::Compute(output)), Some(2));
   assert!(reactor.set_value(input, 3));
   assert_eq!(reactor.value(CellID::Compute(output)), Some(4));

fn compute_cells_can_depend_on_other_compute_cells() {
   let mut reactor = Reactor::new();
   let input = reactor.create_input(1);
   let times_two = reactor
       .create_compute(&[CellID::Input(input)], |v| v[0] * 2)
   let times_thirty = reactor
       .create_compute(&[CellID::Input(input)], |v| v[0] * 30)
   let output = reactor
           &[CellID::Compute(times_two), CellID::Compute(times_thirty)],
           |v| v[0] + v[1],
   assert_eq!(reactor.value(CellID::Compute(output)), Some(32));
   assert!(reactor.set_value(input, 3));
   assert_eq!(reactor.value(CellID::Compute(output)), Some(96));

/// A CallbackRecorder helps tests whether callbacks get called correctly.
/// You'll see it used in tests that deal with callbacks.
/// The names should be descriptive enough so that the tests make sense,
/// so it's not necessary to fully understand the implementation,
/// though you are welcome to.
struct CallbackRecorder {
   // Note that this `Cell` is
   // a mechanism to allow internal mutability,
   // distinct from the cells (input cells, compute cells) in the reactor
   value: std::cell::Cell<Option<i32>>,

impl CallbackRecorder {
   fn new() -> Self {
       CallbackRecorder {
           value: std::cell::Cell::new(None),

   fn expect_to_have_been_called_with(&self, v: i32) {
           "Callback was not called, but should have been"
           "Callback was called with incorrect value"

   fn expect_not_to_have_been_called(&self) {
           "Callback was called, but should not have been"

   fn callback_called(&self, v: i32) {
           "Callback was called too many times; can't be called with {}",

fn compute_cells_fire_callbacks() {
   let cb = CallbackRecorder::new();
   let mut reactor = Reactor::new();
   let input = reactor.create_input(1);
   let output = reactor
       .create_compute(&[CellID::Input(input)], |v| v[0] + 1)
       .add_callback(output, |v| cb.callback_called(v))
   assert!(reactor.set_value(input, 3));

fn error_adding_callback_to_nonexistent_cell() {
   let mut dummy_reactor = Reactor::new();
   let input = dummy_reactor.create_input(1);
   let output = dummy_reactor
       .create_compute(&[CellID::Input(input)], |_| 0)
       Reactor::new().add_callback(output, |_: u32| println!("hi")),

fn callbacks_only_fire_on_change() {
   let cb = CallbackRecorder::new();
   let mut reactor = Reactor::new();
   let input = reactor.create_input(1);
   let output = reactor
           |v| if v[0] < 3 { 111 } else { 222 },
       .add_callback(output, |v| cb.callback_called(v))

   assert!(reactor.set_value(input, 2));
   assert!(reactor.set_value(input, 4));

fn callbacks_can_be_added_and_removed() {
   let cb1 = CallbackRecorder::new();
   let cb2 = CallbackRecorder::new();
   let cb3 = CallbackRecorder::new();

   let mut reactor = Reactor::new();
   let input = reactor.create_input(11);
   let output = reactor
       .create_compute(&[CellID::Input(input)], |v| v[0] + 1)

   let callback = reactor
       .add_callback(output, |v| cb1.callback_called(v))
       .add_callback(output, |v| cb2.callback_called(v))

   assert!(reactor.set_value(input, 31));

   assert!(reactor.remove_callback(output, callback).is_ok());
       .add_callback(output, |v| cb3.callback_called(v))

   assert!(reactor.set_value(input, 41));

fn removing_a_callback_multiple_times_doesnt_interfere_with_other_callbacks() {
   let cb1 = CallbackRecorder::new();
   let cb2 = CallbackRecorder::new();

   let mut reactor = Reactor::new();
   let input = reactor.create_input(1);
   let output = reactor
       .create_compute(&[CellID::Input(input)], |v| v[0] + 1)
   let callback = reactor
       .add_callback(output, |v| cb1.callback_called(v))
       .add_callback(output, |v| cb2.callback_called(v))
   // We want the first remove to be Ok, but the others should be errors.
   assert!(reactor.remove_callback(output, callback).is_ok());
   for _ in 1..5 {
           reactor.remove_callback(output, callback),

   assert!(reactor.set_value(input, 2));

fn callbacks_should_only_be_called_once_even_if_multiple_dependencies_change() {
   let cb = CallbackRecorder::new();
   let mut reactor = Reactor::new();
   let input = reactor.create_input(1);
   let plus_one = reactor
       .create_compute(&[CellID::Input(input)], |v| v[0] + 1)
   let minus_one1 = reactor
       .create_compute(&[CellID::Input(input)], |v| v[0] - 1)
   let minus_one2 = reactor
       .create_compute(&[CellID::Compute(minus_one1)], |v| v[0] - 1)
   let output = reactor
           &[CellID::Compute(plus_one), CellID::Compute(minus_one2)],
           |v| v[0] * v[1],
       .add_callback(output, |v| cb.callback_called(v))
   assert!(reactor.set_value(input, 4));

fn callbacks_should_not_be_called_if_dependencies_change_but_output_value_doesnt_change() {
   let cb = CallbackRecorder::new();
   let mut reactor = Reactor::new();
   let input = reactor.create_input(1);
   let plus_one = reactor
       .create_compute(&[CellID::Input(input)], |v| v[0] + 1)
   let minus_one = reactor
       .create_compute(&[CellID::Input(input)], |v| v[0] - 1)
   let always_two = reactor
           &[CellID::Compute(plus_one), CellID::Compute(minus_one)],
           |v| v[0] - v[1],
       .add_callback(always_two, |v| cb.callback_called(v))
   for i in 2..5 {
       assert!(reactor.set_value(input, i));

fn test_adder_with_boolean_values() {
   // This is a digital logic circuit called an adder:
   let mut reactor = Reactor::new();
   let a = reactor.create_input(false);
   let b = reactor.create_input(false);
   let carry_in = reactor.create_input(false);

   let a_xor_b = reactor
       .create_compute(&[CellID::Input(a), CellID::Input(b)], |v| v[0] ^ v[1])
   let sum = reactor
       .create_compute(&[CellID::Compute(a_xor_b), CellID::Input(carry_in)], |v| {
           v[0] ^ v[1]

   let a_xor_b_and_cin = reactor
       .create_compute(&[CellID::Compute(a_xor_b), CellID::Input(carry_in)], |v| {
           v[0] && v[1]
   let a_and_b = reactor
       .create_compute(&[CellID::Input(a), CellID::Input(b)], |v| v[0] && v[1])
   let carry_out = reactor
           &[CellID::Compute(a_xor_b_and_cin), CellID::Compute(a_and_b)],
           |v| v[0] || v[1],

   let tests = &[
       (false, false, false, false, false),
       (false, false, true, false, true),
       (false, true, false, false, true),
       (false, true, true, true, false),
       (true, false, false, false, true),
       (true, false, true, true, false),
       (true, true, false, true, false),
       (true, true, true, true, true),

   for &(aval, bval, cinval, expected_cout, expected_sum) in tests {
       assert!(reactor.set_value(a, aval));
       assert!(reactor.set_value(b, bval));
       assert!(reactor.set_value(carry_in, cinval));

       assert_eq!(reactor.value(CellID::Compute(sum)), Some(expected_sum));


4. 答案

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use std::collections::HashMap;

/// `InputCellID` is a unique identifier for an input cell.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct InputCellID(usize);
/// `ComputeCellID` is a unique identifier for a compute cell.
/// Values of type `InputCellID` and `ComputeCellID` should not be mutually assignable,
/// demonstrated by the following tests:
/// ```compile_fail
/// let mut r = react::Reactor::new();
/// let input: react::ComputeCellID = r.create_input(111);
/// ```
/// ```compile_fail
/// let mut r = react::Reactor::new();
/// let input = r.create_input(111);
/// let compute: react::InputCellID = r.create_compute(&[react::CellID::Input(input)], |_| 222).unwrap();
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ComputeCellID(usize);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub struct CallbackID(usize);

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum CellID {

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum RemoveCallbackError {

struct Cell<T: Copy> {
   value: T,
   last_value: T,
   dependents: Vec<ComputeCellID>,

struct ComputeCell<'a, T: Copy> {
   cell: Cell<T>,

   dependencies: Vec<CellID>,
   f: Box<Fn(&[T]) -> T + 'a>,
   callbacks_issued: usize,
   callbacks: HashMap<CallbackID, Box<FnMut(T) -> () + 'a>>,

impl<T: Copy> Cell<T> {
   fn new(initial: T) -> Self {
       Cell {
           value: initial,
           last_value: initial,
           dependents: Vec::new(),

impl<'a, T: Copy> ComputeCell<'a, T> {
   fn new<F: Fn(&[T]) -> T + 'a>(initial: T, dependencies: Vec<CellID>, f: F) -> Self {
       ComputeCell {
           cell: Cell::new(initial),

           f: Box::new(f),
           callbacks_issued: 0,
           callbacks: HashMap::new(),

pub struct Reactor<'a, T: Copy> {
   inputs: Vec<Cell<T>>,
   computes: Vec<ComputeCell<'a, T>>,

impl<'a, T: Copy + PartialEq> Reactor<'a, T> {
   pub fn new() -> Self {
       Reactor {
           inputs: Vec::new(),
           computes: Vec::new(),

   pub fn create_input(&mut self, initial: T) -> InputCellID {
       InputCellID(self.inputs.len() - 1)

   pub fn create_compute<F: Fn(&[T]) -> T + 'a>(
       &mut self,
       dependencies: &[CellID],
       compute_func: F,
   ) -> Result<ComputeCellID, CellID> {
       // Check all dependencies' validity before modifying any of them,
       // so that we don't perform an incorrect partial write.
       for &dep in dependencies {
           match dep {
               CellID::Input(InputCellID(id)) => if id >= self.inputs.len() {
                   return Err(dep);
               CellID::Compute(ComputeCellID(id)) => if id >= self.computes.len() {
                   return Err(dep);
       let new_id = ComputeCellID(self.computes.len());
       for &dep in dependencies {
           match dep {
               CellID::Input(InputCellID(id)) => self.inputs[id].dependents.push(new_id),
               CellID::Compute(ComputeCellID(id)) => {
       let inputs: Vec<_> = dependencies
           .map(|&id| self.value(id).unwrap())
       let initial = compute_func(&inputs);

   pub fn value(&self, id: CellID) -> Option<T> {
       match id {
           CellID::Input(InputCellID(id)) => self.inputs.get(id).map(|c| c.value),
           CellID::Compute(ComputeCellID(id)) => self.computes.get(id).map(|c| c.cell.value),

   pub fn set_value(&mut self, id: InputCellID, new_value: T) -> bool {
       let InputCellID(id) = id;
           .map(|c| {
               c.value = new_value;
           .map(|deps| {
               for &d in deps.iter() {
               // We can only fire callbacks after all dependents have updated.
               // So we can't combine this for loop with the one above!
               for d in deps {

   pub fn add_callback<F: FnMut(T) -> () + 'a>(
       &mut self,
       id: ComputeCellID,
       callback: F,
   ) -> Option<CallbackID> {
       let ComputeCellID(id) = id;
       self.computes.get_mut(id).map(|c| {
           c.callbacks_issued += 1;
           let cbid = CallbackID(c.callbacks_issued);
           c.callbacks.insert(cbid, Box::new(callback));

   pub fn remove_callback(
       &mut self,
       cell: ComputeCellID,
       callback: CallbackID,
   ) -> Result<(), RemoveCallbackError> {
       let ComputeCellID(cell) = cell;
       match self.computes.get_mut(cell) {
           Some(c) => match c.callbacks.remove(&callback) {
               Some(_) => Ok(()),
               None => Err(RemoveCallbackError::NonexistentCallback),
           None => Err(RemoveCallbackError::NonexistentCell),

   fn update_dependent(&mut self, id: ComputeCellID) {
       let ComputeCellID(id) = id;

       let (new_value, dependents) = {
           // This block limits the scope of the self.cells borrow.
           // This is necessary because we borrow it mutably below.
           let (dependencies, f, dependents) = match self.computes.get(id) {
               Some(c) => (&c.dependencies, &c.f, c.cell.dependents.clone()),
               None => panic!("Cell to update disappeared while querying"),
           let inputs: Vec<_> = dependencies
               .map(|&id| self.value(id).unwrap())
           (f(&inputs), dependents)

       match self.computes.get_mut(id) {
           Some(c) => {
               if c.cell.value == new_value {
                   // No change here, we don't need to update our dependents.
                   // (It wouldn't hurt to, but it would be unnecessary work)
               c.cell.value = new_value;
           None => panic!("Cell to update disappeared while updating"),

       for d in dependents {

   fn fire_callbacks(&mut self, id: ComputeCellID) {
       let ComputeCellID(id) = id;
       let dependents = match self.computes.get_mut(id) {
           Some(c) => {
               if c.cell.value == c.cell.last_value {
                   // Value hasn't changed since last callback fire.
                   // We thus shouldn't fire the callbacks.
               for cb in c.callbacks.values_mut() {
               c.cell.last_value = c.cell.value;
           None => panic!("Callback cell disappeared"),

       for d in dependents {

