你好,欢迎再来一期本周的螃蟹行情!Rust是一种追求三位一体的系统语言:安全性、并发性和速度。这是它的进展和社区的每周总结。有什么要说的吗?推特@ThisWeekInRust或向我们发送请求。 想参与吗?我们热爱贡献.
这本周的螃蟹行情是在在 Github 上公开的。如果你在本周的问题中发现任何错误,请提交 PR。
We are so happy to have reached issue 400 of This Week in Rust! To mark this occasion, we would like to introduce you to your editors who put these issues together for you every week!
Nell Shamrell-Harrington
Hello everyone! I’m Nell Shamrell-Harrington (nellshamrell on GitHub). I’ve served as lead editor of This Week in Rust for a little over a year now. Currently, I work as a Principal Engineer at Microsoft, prior to that I was on the Rust team at Mozilla. I also am a member of the Rust Foundation Board of Directors. My greatest joy in editing This Week in Rust is seeing how dedicated Rustaceans are to teaching and passing on what they have learned. We are a community where personal maturity and empathy are as important as technical excellence. When I’m not working, I’m often caring for and playing with my three pet bunnies - Lucy, Leia, and Noah!
Andre Bogus
Greetings, Rustaceans! I’m Andre ‘llogiq’ Bogus, and I’ve been editing TWiR since 2016. I currently work with synth, my third Job using Rust. I am one of the first clippy maintainers, a mod team member, a Rust bard and I have several crates to my name. I’m always amused with the quotes you folks suggest, and like being on top of the merged PRs, so I know what’s coming in the next Rust versions. Besides Rust, I like making music, biking, skateboarding and spending time with my wife, three kids and cat.
Colton Donnelly
Good morning to all of you fellow Rustaceans! I’m Colton Donnelly (usually under the screen name cdmistman), and I’ve been editing TWiR since May 2020. I’m currently a co-op working on the Alan programming language, which uses Rust in the runtime - this is the second time I’ve had an internship using Rust! I’ve really enjoyed reading all of your Rust blog posts and articles over the past year (and practicing my speed-reading while I’m at it), it’s been awesome seeing how much knowledge y’all like to share. When I’m not coding, I’m usually playing games with friends or binge-watching shows.
Thank you so much to all who have edited This Week in Rust over the years!
And a special thank you to all who have contributed to This Week in Rust and every single one of our subscribers and readers! Here is to many more issues!
本周的板条箱dylint,一个用于从动态库运行 Rust lint 的工具。
George Hahn谢谢你的建议。
Submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
一直想为开源项目做贡献,但不知道从哪里开始?每周我们都会强调一些来自 Rust 社区的任务,让您挑选并开始!
收到了 280 个拉取请求merged in the last week
during expansionInferCx
dynamic interface[T; N]::map(_)
as an alias for docbranches_sharing_code
to redundant_allocation
分诊人 @simulacrum. 修订范围:9a27044f4..5aff6dd
1 次退步,4 次改善,0 次混合;汇总中有 0 个
Rust 的变化遵循 RustRFC (request for comments) process.这些是本周批准实施的 RFC:
每周the team宣布正在做出决定的 RFC 和关键 PRs 的“最终评论期”。现在就发表你的意见。
– @SkiFire13 on the official Rust Discord
Thanks to Kestrer for the self-suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, and cdmistman.